
Founder and Director of the Goddess Temple of Ashland, Oregon since 2010

Graelynn (pronounced Grail-lyn)

Life Coach of the Sacred, she has held a Goddess Temple since 2001. She is a Midwife of the Veils serving Childbirth, First Blood, Sex, Marriage, Parenting, Divorce, Sovereignty, Death, and Rebirth. 

With over two decades teaching various trainings in the Priestess Arts, Dance, and Devotional Yoga, Graelynn is guided by the depth of her Goddess connection, that is rainbow-bridged from her heart to her womb. Her profound and personal communion with nature fuels her passion for sharing practical skills on walking the Path of Sacred Living. 


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connections to Avalon?

In the Gregorian year of 2007, Graelynn became fully activated by the powers of the Celtic Goddess Brigid, and the Lady of the Lake of Avalon.

With a plethora of supernatural events occurring on Mount Shasta, she was carried home to Glastonbury England. Graelynn began her journey as a Presenter, Performer, and Ceremonialist with the annual Glastonbury Goddess Conference till this present time.

These yearly adventures led her to bring groups of Priestesses to discover the Goddess in the landscape and guide them to speak their Vows directly to the Magickal Isle of Avalon for the ears and eyes of the ancient ones to behold.

If you are attracted to the Path of Sacred Living thru the teachings of Lady Graelynn, you are indeed of the Avalonian lineage.

The Goddess Temple of Ashland is a direct portal to the ancient sites of the British Isles.

Lady Graelynn transmits the authentic energetic resonance of this potent and familiar line. Your memory shall spark with the medicine and magick of the Holy Isle beyond measure.

Find Graelynn's other offerings & Info at :

Graelynn's website

Goddess Temple of Ashland

Lady Graelynn's Pick of the Year

Womb & Earth Apothecary