Primal, Practical, Priestess College


Remembering the Primal MedicineWithin

We begin our Priestess College with an understanding of what a Priestess means to us at the very core. We explore the root of what is deeply needed by the local community and extend that to the global community. ​

What is witnessed, is an intrinsic need for connection, for the sacred to meet the profane, for the willingness to hold, release, devour, and restore. ​

Our versatile Goddess Temple Community holds many talents, levels of experience, and a profound desire to grow. These tenants of truth have been gestating for over two decades, and it is time to birth even more of our visions into form. 

Each year we hold an enriching school that walks the Path of Sacred Living through the 9 Veils of Womyn, plus our Beltane, Lammas, Samhain, & Imbolc Community Celebrations.​

Priestess College is an

*OPTIONAL Year-Long Commitment


4 Single Sessions

Immersive 9-Day Trainings in Rites of Passage, Threshold Priestessing, and Seasonal Holy Days.

Join us for a deep & devotional dive into the primal, practical, and passionate arts of the Priestess. Together we will spiral through each in-person immersion to celebrate the season and remember the Path of Sacred Living.

Throughout our time together we will engage in Elemental Stewardship, and Midwifing the Veils, of Birth, Blood, Sex, Marriage, Parenting, Divorce, Sovereignty, Death, and Rebirth.

Priestess College is a hands-on, live, in-person experience that will expand your awareness and invoke deep magick into your daily life.


A Primal Gathering to Learn and Practice the Sacred Arts

Raw, Brave and Legendary

Priestess College explores the Wheel of the Year through a spiralic dance with the four Goddess Energies of the Veils. Together we will work with these Archetypal Goddesses and weave their stories through us as a holy re-membering.

| She who Believes & Blossoms

Immersion: 9 days | April 26- May 4

Midwifing the Veils of:

Moon Blood & Sex

plus Community Beltane Gathering

We’ll remember the Sacred Arts of…

Red Tent Facilitation, Moon Lodge Raising, Spiritual Intimacy Practice, Processional Temple Dance, Ceremonial Sword Wielding, Regalia Crafting, Faery Ring & Altar Dressing, Honeybee Communion, and Garden Magick

We will explore and co-create…

Wisdom from alumni guest instructors, blossom the Goddess Temple of Ashland, partake in pollinating our annual 3-day community Beltane journey.

At Beltane, we celebrate the Union of the Lord and Lady of the Green, the blossoming of spring into its full fecundity and the start of Summer. It is during this season that we honor the sacredness of Spiritual Intimacy and Fertility. At the Goddess Temple, we bring to life this ancient holy day with a 3-day celebration that includes one full day of preparation, another full day of elemental anointing, the raising of the Maypole, choosing a royal family to gift, sacred fire ceremony, folk dance and connection with the Fae whose elemental energy is palpable in the land at this time & the last day we give extraordinary workshops and a concert!

| She who Begets & Bends

Immersion: 9 days | July 31-Aug 8

Midwifing the Veils of:

Pregnancy & Parenting

plus Community Lammas Feast

We’ll remember the sacred arts of…

Womb Honoring, Sacred Mother Care, Wyld Crafting, Family Soulutions, Song Catching, Circle Dancing, Archery Divination, and 8/8 Lion’s Gate Community Ceremony.

We will explore and co-create…

Learn from Priestess College Alumni, experience personal threshold rituals, and receive a cornucopia of community abundance.

Optional journey to the Holy Isle of Avalon, Glastonbury England. Inquire with Graelynn for details.

On the harvest holy day of Lammas, more anciently known as Lughnasadh, we acknowledge all that has come to pass in the prosperous seasons of our lives and reap what we have sown. The seeds we planted, have blossomed into fruition, taking shape into their fullness and now beginning to draw back to their roots once more. Each Beltane, a Royal Family is chosen, and their first high responsibility is to hold a Feast for the community at Lammas. On the last day of our Immersion, we will celebrate our 9 days together with the annual 8/8 Lion’s Gate community ritual given by the WellSprings Community members.

| She who Breaks & Bereaves

Immersion: 9 days | Oct 26-Nov 3

Midwifing the Veils of:

Divorce & Death

plus Community Samhain Ritual

We’ll remember the sacred arts of…

Unwinding Vows, Sacred Death Attendance, Wytch Walking, Embodiment Practice, Sound Bathing, Lantern Dance, Wool Finger Spinning, and Land Scrying. 

We will explore and co-create …

Serve as a Goddess Temple Melissae, honor the Elderly, visit a Forest Conservation Burial Ground, and immerse deep in our annual Community Samhain Ritual

Samhain is the time of year when we can directly perceive the realms of the Otherwyrld. At this time we celebrate the betwixt and acknowledge our earthly ancestors. A Keening Ceremony with an altar built of offerings that include photos, sentimental items, candles, and more to honor loved who have Crossed Over, gives a safe space to grieve. A ceremonial Fire burns what needs to die. Three Priestesses are chosen to embody Ancestor Guides to give oracular readings to temple visitors. The Wyld Wytch cackles, Hecate’s lantern dance lights our way out of the darkness and retrieves hope that has been lost in the shadows.

| She who Bestows & Bridges

Immersion: 9 days | Jan 27-Feb 4

Midwifing the Veils of:

Sovereignty, Marriage, & Rebirth

plus Community Imbolc Ceremony given by Priestess College Alumni

We’ll remember the sacred arts of…

Devotion, Soul Vows, Rhythmical Composition, Ceremonial Water Immersion, Sacred Fire Tending, and Witnessed Initiation

We will explore and co create…

Practice traditions of the Great Celtic Goddess Bridie, share time with Priestess College Alumni, give a Queening Ceremony, choose sovereign marriage to the Goddess, and learn to facilitate mortal marriage.

At Imbolc, we honor Bridget, Bright, Bridger. Brigid brings the remembrance of our internal radiance and the spark of life that Priestessing embodies. She visits the village hearths and leaves her footprint in the ashes, and as Goddess of the Sacred Flame, Healing Springs, Poetry, the Forge, and Fertile Earth, this great goddess manifests endurance in you. All these qualities reflect the lifelong vows you will speak upon your Dedication to the Goddess as Midwife of the Veils, and to walk the Path of Sacred Living. The Goddess Temple of Ashland is at the sacred backmeadow of the WellSprings, home of warm sulfur springs, which is also known as FireWater! Her water is here!

***At each Priestess College Session, there will be an optional Dedication Ceremony, where you will speak your vows as Priestess of the Goddess, name the Veils you will commit to and how you will continue your education. There will also be a Sacred Ink Ceremony (optional) with a Druid Ogham finger tattoo of the Tree that is specifically linked to the Holy Day of that PC Session. This ancient symbol will seal your sacred lifetime vows and your commitment to send you out into the world to create your own practical Priestess creation, as a way of life to uplift humanity and bridge prosperity into your heart and home!

Online Gatherings Included for those who attend ALL 4 Priestess College Sessions.

There will be 2 days before Solstices and Equinoxes that we gather online together. These are Required online check-ins for FULL YEAR attendees ONLY.

This supports connection, and is a place for reunion, sharing, and prayer.

Online Gathering Dates: June 19th, Sept 19th, Dec 19th, and March 19th,

All meetings are at 3 - 5pm PST

Zoom Link TBA

✨Attending Priestesses strongly suggested to hold Community Solstice and Equinox Ceremonies where they are located, or support our OAK Temple at the JacksonWellSprings, Oregon


9 day Beltane Session in the back meadow of the WellSprings at the Goddess Temple Sanctuary

Includes- On-site Camping Space, Daily Superfood Shake, Daily Dinner

9 day Lammas, 9 day Samhain, and 9 day Imbolc

Includes-Superfood Shake and daily Healthy Snacks (No Lodging, No Meals)

Also included in this Program:

✨Dragon Priestessing e-book

✨Midwifing the Veils e-book

✨Path of Sacred Living e-book

✨Beltane e-book

✨Ceremonial Priestess College Sacred Symbol Finger Tattoo (optional)

✨Gifts from Lady Graelynn and Mama Rosie

✨Unique Graduation Certificate

✨Meet and become Priestess College Alumni !

Learn to hold Womb Carrier Threshold Rituals and lead Seasonal Holy Day Community Ceremonies in an unconventional environment that pushes the edges necessary to have the essential tools for authentic chop wood carry water Priestessing.